Our Services


The final assembly of elevators are conducted on site, which is the most important chain in assembly. We will send professional project manager to be responsible for internal planning, coordination, distribution of labor, project quality management and safety management of the installation project. Prior to the launch of each project, the project manager shall hold internal inaugural meeting to develop construction scheme and exchange technical documentations, and develop emergency scheme according to actual situations, so as to guarantee the project is completed in line with quality requirements and without delay. We constantly develop the latest elevator installation workmanships in order to remain at the world-leading level. Compared with traditional elevator installation workmanships, installation without scaffold saves a lot of trouble in erecting and dismantling scaffolds, standardizes installation procedures, shorten the installation period and improve its quality. Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator Co., Ltd will provide you with best product quality, best project quality and best service quality.


We have always attached great importance to the development of maintenance technologies. And, in the light of properties and application environment of different elevators, we has developed unique maintenance procedures as well as special computer and tools. In addition to routine maintenance, we will inspect your elevator periodically with special presumptive diagnostic technology and develop personalized maintenance scheme according to your elevator's operation conditions, to protect against possible troubles and maximize its operation time.

Renewal and Reconstruction

We will appropriately apply new technology, feature and material to in-service elevator to expand its functions, improve operation reliability and traveling comfort, and further satisfy special demands of customers.

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